Prepare/Enrich for Couples

Find deeper connection and meaningful conversation with your partner here.

If you are looking for a safe, supportive and positive space to explore the health of your relationship, you have found it! Prepare/Enrich has been the leading premarital and marital assessment for 40 years, providing thorough insight into the strengths and growth areas of a relationship. Additionally, the assessment can be consistently referenced as a guide for constructive conversation and exploration. Once you and your partner take the assessment, you will be guided through your report with intentional discussion and the direction of a trained therapist. 

Prepare/Enrich is valuable for all couples:
  • Engaged
  • Married
  • Remarried
  • Couples looking for a checkup 
  • Curious couples seeking insight
  • Struggling couples needing guidance back towards health

Cultivating Changes therapist Kaitlyn Thompson is a Prepare/Enrich facilitator with years of experience in the mental health field. Kaitlyn combines her understanding of people, trauma, childhood wounds and healing with premarital and couples work, making her approach meaningful and expertly informed of the broader issues that affect relationships. Additionally, Kaitlyn is a Jesus follower and loves to incorporate a Christian lens into the work when desired by the couple. 

If you are interested in learning more about Prepare/Enrich, you can contact Kaitlyn directly at: or 281-810-3628.

You can also send a message through the contact form on this website and she will promptly be in touch.

More info about Prepare/Enrich can be found on their website: