Enneagram Workshops

Do you want to develop deeper empathy and connection within your team or small group?

The Enneagram personality profiling system is an interesting and engaging tool for developing self-awareness that can improve interpersonal relationships, whether in the workplace, friend group, church group and more. Kaitlyn Thompson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Enneagram coach will walk you and your group through the Enneagram, facilitating conversation and connection while gaining a new tool for better understanding yourself and the way you connect with others in the world.

With years of experience as a Social Worker and mental health professional, Kaitlyn combines her understanding of people, trauma, childhood wounds and healing with the Enneagram, making her approach meaningful and expertly informed of the broader issues people face. Additionally, Kaitlyn is a Jesus follower and loves to work with churches and church groups on using the Enneagram as a tool for connection. Kaitlyn can tailor a workshop for your specific group and needs. Whether you’re looking for a brief introduction coupled with some light guidance and Q&R or you would like to explore a full day workshop, Kaitlyn would love to match her knowledge with your needs.

If you are interested in learning more about bringing Kaitlyn in to work with your group, feel free to contact her directly at: krthompson@cultivatingchanges.net or 281-810-3628. You can also send a message through the contact form on this website and she will promptly be in touch.

To take a free Enneagram test, follow this link: https://www.yourenneagramcoach.com/

For more information on the Enneagram check out this website: https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/